Why Emotional Requlation Might Mean EVERYTHING Book


SKU: 8150
Availability: 30 in stock


Terri Duncan's brilliant, and ground-breaking new book, “Why Emotional Regulation Might Mean...EVERYTHING" puts forth the idea that when we are dysregulated—emotionally or physically—that we cannot learn, or often even listen. Duncan, the Founder of Canada’s most progressive services agency, argues that the skill of how to process life when life doesn’t go your way is the foundational starting point whose importance outweighs all other learning strategies. With a Foreword by Dr. Barry Prizant, author of "Uniquely Human," Duncan's book not only cites multiple arenas in our lives where emotional regulation consciously and unconsciously impacts us, but makes sure to list dozens and dozens of helpful hints, and strategies for success. It should be noted that thanks to COVID, partisanship, social media, culture wars, remote learning..that we ALL may be in a spot where we need this book.